Register for Asset Management Certification Today
Having your knowledge, skills and experience in asset management recognised against a global standard offers numerous and extensive benefits along with your professional asset management journey.
In keeping with its vision of
“Globally recognized Asset Management credentials” the World Partners in Asset
Management (WPiAM) is developing a framework for the alignment of professional
credentials in Asset Management such as asset management certification to which
professional bodies, post-secondary and training institutions around the world
can align over time.
The scheme will provide a laddered
career path in asset management for individuals who are looking to advance
their skills and improve their ability to contribute to the success of the
organizations they serve. This competency-based scheme will allow organizations
to ensure that the individuals they hire anywhere in the world have the
knowledge, skills and experience to apply asset management principles in various
With the introduction of this
framework, the members of the WPiAM are seeking to align worldwide efforts to
develop, assess and recognize competence in Asset Management and to establish a
system of assurance of quality while respecting the needs for variation of
application according to the history and culture of each region in the
development of this evolving professional field.
The process for recognizing the
equivalence of specific credentials will be administered by the WPiAM. The
process to recognize individuals’ accreditation to any of the WPiAM’s framework
credentials will be administered by the organisation that owns the asset management certification scheme that has been approved. Each credential will
require demonstration of education as well as evidence of competence in
practical application.
Designation Levels
There are three designation levels
Senior Principal in Asset Management (CSAM)
This certification is applicable to
practitioners (or expert advisors thereto) responsible for the establishment,
updating and management oversight of the application of a holistic and
integrated AMF across a significant area of the organisation’s business,
informed by the organisation’s strategic objectives.
Practitioner in Asset Management (CPAM)
This certification is applicable to
practitioners (or advisors thereto) responsible for the establishment,
updating, and management oversight of the application of a Domain of AM that is
significant to the organisation’s AMF across a significant area of business.
Importantly, this framework must inform, and be informed by, the organisation’s
strategic objectives.
Technical Specialist in Asset Management (CTAM)
This certification is applicable to
persons that are Proficient in the application of specific and essential
activities within a relevant Domain of AM required to deliver against the AM
objectives of the organisation.
Interested to Take The Exam?
Want to get your hands on asset
management certification? The Certified Asset Management Assessor (CAMA) Exam
is now available via WPiAM Remote Proctored Solution. This allows you to
undertake the exam from any location that suits you.
However, some CAMA Exams will still
be available face to face throughout the year.
If you are interested in
undertaking the Certified Asset Manager Assessor (CAMA) Exam or being involved
with World Partners in Asset Management, please complete the following
registration form by clicking the link below.
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